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Lisette Ross - Site Memorial Online

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Lisette Ross
Nascido emCalifornia
39 years
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Lydia (Rasonsky) Palacios To the Ross family May 8, 2012
There is nothing more beautiful than a life completed serving Jehovah. The new system could not come fast enough. All our love and prayers to you Dave, Caden and Cole.
Peter Gilbert Miss my loving friend and sister May 8, 2012
I am filled with great pain and tears in my eyes as I think about the loss of my dear sister and friend Lisette... My heart aches as I think about how much I will miss Lissette, she still owed me a breakfast at Comforts, a common favorite of mine and the Ross family..... To my dearest friend and brother Dave; words cannot express the pain I feel for you and your precious sons, I am so privileged to have been able to spend the past few weeks gettin to know then better- they are amazing kids!
I cannot waituntil the day when we can welcome Lisette back with open arms and a big hug, I know that only Jehovah can help take the pain away over time. I send my deepest love and big hugs to the entire family! I will miss Lissette everyday until her reserection in the new order.
With my sympathy and love

Sheri Hagerty Miss you dear Lisette May 8, 2012
Our sorrow is so deep, it feels like there is nothing that can ease it. So many have expressed beautifully that which is Lisette. All we know is we are going to miss her so very very much. We can't imagine life without her infectious smile, her zest for life, her patience and love for her children, her love for Dave and her incredible energy. We are so encourged by her total reliance on Jehovah, that he sustained her during her darkest hours. Now our prayers are for Dave, his beautiful talented lovely boys, family and all of the dear friends who need the sustanance, us included. We know this horrible pain in our hearts will ease with time, but it is hard to imagine.

We love you so much Dave, we are missing our buddy Caden and Cole's sweet goofy smile.

Love you . . . Kevin, Sheri, Alana, Aubrey and Cameron Hagerty.
Maureen Boyer She touched our lives May 8, 2012
I hardly know what to say except that I want to - Lisette was a friend that I will always I can do is to say that I am ALWAYS here for you Dave, Caden and Cole whenever you may need...hugs and loves to you all!...-m
Laura Ruiz and family Friends of Dave May 8, 2012
Dave and family,

Our heart felt sympathy goes out to you and your family for this tragic loss.Our words cannot express how sorry we are for this very sad time. We will be sending our prayers and love to you all. May your children be blessed for the miracle and strength of their mom, now and forever more...

Sincerely and with warm wishes for peace for your entire family,

With love,
Laura, Guy and Kaden Ruiz
Cathie Dodd I will miss my friend May 8, 2012
I was so hopeful that Lisette would pull out of this and make it through on the other side of the cancer like she did a few years ago with breast cancer.  I heard she gave it a hard fight but her body was too weak. STUPID CANCER!!!!  It is still hard to believe she is gone.

 My sister and I had a great time with her just a few months ago when we went to the San Diego Zoo on her visit.  She wasn't ill then, but she was worried about her little Cole who was just getting over the stomache flu.  It was great to see her with her kids and see how much Caden had grown and what a smart kid he was.  Since then we have been keeping up on facebook and I loved her pictures of her kids and her stories about them. She was such a loving mom.

I have known Lisette since she was around 5 years old. I don't think there was a time in her life when she went through an ackward stage, she has always been beautiful.  But her beauty was more than skin deep, she truely had a good heart.  Through all the negitives in her life, she found a way to focus on the postive.  She latched herself on to friends and family who could help her remain positive and she trusted in Jehovah to carry her through what she couldn't change.  

As a preteen she became BFF's with my cousin Kaijah and adopted my Aunt and Uncle as her second family.  She then became a part of our whole family, though not related by blood.  I have watched her blossom into a beautiful young lady and wife, and then a loving mother.   

There is not a good reason for this to happen.  Death is definately an enemy.  I have lost so many good friends this year, but Lisette's death will top them all because it was cut short so early.  She still had so much to give, especially to her children.  This can definately be considered a tradgety.  But if we were viewing it like Lisette would, what positves could we look for?

I thought of this the other day.  One positive is by fighting cancer the first time she was able to live to experience childbirth and motherhood.  I had the privledge of editing and creating a video montage of Caden't childbirth, and you can see the joy on her face the first moment she held him.  I think her facing death the first time made her appreciate life even more from that time on and special moments like that touched her even more.  

Second reason reason to look to postive is the hope she and her family had and that I share to.  That one day she will be happy and whole and we will be able to see her again.  I look forward to welcoming her back along with many other friends and family I have lost.  

Dave to you I wish you an extra portion of Jehovah's holy spirit for you to get through this.  I don't know if you know Chuck  Valours--He is a DO. He lost his wife a few years ago and recently he said to me of all the pain he has been through, losing a mate was the worst he ever felt.  The only thing that could help him was constant prayer. Having a hope doesn't mean we don't have pain.  It may ease the pain, but death is not natural, which is why it is so hard to accept.

Your pain is doubled with helping your children through this, so little it will be hard to for them to understand.  I am sure your friends and family will help out.  If I was there I would. I will do what I can here by contining to pray for you these next few months, which will be the hardest.

I wish I coudl be there for the memorial, but money is tight.  My heart will be there.  Juli and I are doing what we can by supplying this site and the video for it.  I am going to try and create a video for Lisette that she would love to watch.

Love to you and the Boys. 
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